Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Are you ready for some football ... and some INSPIRATION?

I couldn't resist with the "Are you ready for some football?" since we are just into football season!  Hard to get in the fall spirit when it is still in the 90s for most of us.  Cold weather will be upon us before we know it, so enjoy the warmth and longer days for another few weeks.  At least we GAIN an hour when we "fall back".

I shared this photo in February 2011 and thought it was appropriate for football season.

Many of you follow me on Facebook as I share favorite photos from my shoots.  Several of you have asked that I share on my blog as well.  I am going to give it try and blog weekly.  I can commit to once a week.
Taken a few months ago in honor of our country.

I recently had a photo shoot that was full of inspiration and FUN.  I can hardly wait to share this one and will do so soon.

As always, thank you for your support!

Be Inspired, Ali

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