Sunday, August 12, 2012

Count your Blessings ... each day.

The date was Saturday, July 14!  An exciting day ahead!  A perfect morning.  Carolina blue sky above.  A sweet 20 month old.  His Mommy.  A very happy me.  The court and playground to ourselves.  Let the fun begin!

Future tennis star in the making.

I heart my Mommy.

Mommy, former college tennis star, ready to teach the SERVE!  Yikes.

This family is beyond amazing ... I have known this little boys parents, Tim & Mindy, for 10 years.  Nearly two years ago this couple was expecting their first child and beaming!  Many know that Tim suffered a horrific accident and thankfully survived.  They have faced many of life's challenges since that day and are stronger souls.  They are blessed with a healthy & sweet child.  Each day is a challenge for Tim & Mindy but they smile when you walk through their front door and are such an INSPIRATION to so many, including myself.

This child is a prefect blend of his Mommy & Daddy.

Sweet baby feet!

Thirsty boy!

Tennis, playground fun and being a model is hard work.
I love & admire this family more than many will ever understand.  They smile each day no matter what.  They rarely, if at all, complain.

Count your BLESSINGS each day.
Be THANKFUL for all you have.

And always, BE INSPIRED by others, your own passion(s) and INSPIRE others

Be Inspired, Ali

1 comment:

  1. Your words are so sweet and make me smile! I can't tell you enough how much I love, love, love these photos. You are the best and YOU are the inspiration. Can't wait until our next photo shoot!

